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"Come, come! Take a tour of my igloo! My name is Lifuu and I like to play around in the snow but always like to come back to my little space - why don't you come stay for a while?"
An orange strip runs around its soft velvety beak, making this penguin plush the perfect pal to nuzzle and cuddle. Highly detailed and unique, this penguin soft toy has yellow detailing above the wings, a grey fuzzy side panels and a bright white belly, finished off with teeny felted feet. This little penguin is the ideal size for carrying and cuddling, making him perfect for small hands!
This small and fuzzy fellow has it's own accommodation with a handy top loop to make the igloo portable so you can carry around your little penguin friend in style! The igloo is lined in blue with a fuzzy white exterior with blue stitching all around.
Take him under your wing and treasure him forever ?
Same day dispatch when you order by 2pm Mon-Friday, and next day dispatch from Sun-Thurs (except bank holidays)
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£3.35 via Royal Mail 2nd Class to the UK
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£1.70+ for stationery & other flat items via Royal Mail 1st Class Standard
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UK Returns are FREE and we offer a 100 Day Returns guarantee - not happy? changed your mind? No worries! You can return any item up to 100 days after delivery as long as it is unused and in the same condition that you received it in.