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"I'm Ice Berry penguin and I love to have fun and make a splash! Cuddles are the best ever and I have lots of fun playing with my friends and sharing toys - but I won't share my favourite food... fishes!"
This adorable little penguin soft toy from Sweet & Sassy will charm and delight penguin lovers both young and old. With large sparkling eyes and a super-soft fabric body, Ice Berry penguin makes a lovely and appealing gift for little ones.
Measuring 5" (12.5cm) tall, Ice Berry penguin is the ideal size for carrying and cuddling, making him perfect for small hands! His striking ice blue and white fluffy fabric body really makes him stand out, while his sweet fuzzy pink feet mean he can stand upright on a bedroom or playroom shelf.
Penguins captivate the imagination with their humorous antics and playful nature! Give the gift of love and laughter to a friend or relative with this cute little penguin toy from Sweet & Sassy. With his sweet expression and huggable furry body, Ice Berry penguin makes an ideal Christmas or birthday present for any animal-loving child.
Ice Berry's bright colours and huge eyes will appeal to young children and the young at heart! Take him under your wing and treasure him forever.
Same day dispatch when you order by 2pm Mon-Friday, and next day dispatch from Sun-Thurs (except bank holidays)
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£3.35 via Royal Mail 2nd Class to the UK
£4.45 via Royal Mail 1st Class to the UK
£1.70+ for stationery & other flat items via Royal Mail 1st Class Standard
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UK Returns are FREE and we offer a 100 Day Returns guarantee - not happy? changed your mind? No worries! You can return any item up to 100 days after delivery as long as it is unused and in the same condition that you received it in.