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"Hey there, I'm Nilly a Humboldt penguin! I love building rock towers and finding the smoothest pebbles to have rock skipping competitions with my pals"
This cute and cuddly Humboldt penguin soft toy from Keel Toys is realistically detailed, completely capturing the essence of these unique little birds, and would make an ideal gift for any animal lover.
With it's chunky body and wings and soft fur this plushie is made to be played with - measuring 20cm tall and featuring chunky feet, this penguin can stand proud on a bedroom or playroom shelf.... if it ever gets put down!
Humboldt penguins can be found swimming along the Pacific coast, hopping about amongst the rocks and diving to great depths looking for fish to eat. Sadly, their numbers are in decline. This gorgeous penguin plush makes a great educational toy to help children understand the plight of our most endearing animals.
Same day dispatch when you order by 2pm Mon-Friday, and next day dispatch from Sun-Thurs (except bank holidays)
Free UK Delivery on orders over £29
£3.35 via Royal Mail 2nd Class to the UK
£4.45 via Royal Mail 1st Class to the UK
£1.70+ for stationery & other flat items via Royal Mail 1st Class Standard
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We're currently unable to offer international delivery, due to customs issues and parcels not being delivered.
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UK Returns are FREE and we offer a 100 Day Returns guarantee - not happy? changed your mind? No worries! You can return any item up to 100 days after delivery as long as it is unused and in the same condition that you received it in.